Today, I will be sharing with you my conversation with Whitney Cummings from her Good For You podcast. In this conversation, we deep-dived into codependency and we also did the Vedic personality test from my book, Think Like A Monk, to help better understand yourself. If you want to pre-order the book, 8 Rules of Love, go to https://8rulesoflove.com/Key Takeaways:
- 00:00:00 Intro
- 00:01:07 Codependency
- 00:02:52 Giving is selfish
- 00:04:17 When does self-care become selfish?
- 00:06:24 Friendship is not obligatory
- 00:09:28 We all want an answer
- 00:11:29 Why we choose familiar pain over unfamiliar pain
- 00:13:19 Vedic Personality Test
- 00:15:16 Question #1: Which of the following sounds most like what you’re about?
- 00:16:31 Question #2: What role do you play in your friend circle and family?
- 00:18:42 Question #3: What is most important to you in a partner?
- 00:20:52 Question #4: What do you watch most often on TV?
- 00:25:31 Question #5: What causes you the most pain?
- 00:29:13 Question #6: What is your favorite way of working?
- 00:33:51 Question #7: How would your ideal self spend/spare time?
- 00:36:49 Question #8: How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
- 00:37:22 Question #9: What type of environment do you work best?
- 00:38:41 Question #10: How do you prepare for a vacation?
- 00:40:33 Question #11: How do you feel if you make a mistake?
- 00:45:23 Question #12: What do you do when you have to make a big decision?
- 00:46:52 Question #13: Which best describes your daily routine?
- 00:49:23 Results
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