Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty ON How To Teach Your Body To Focus On Healing
In this episode of ON Purpose, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Jay Shetty discuss "limiting beliefs" and what that really means.
At first glance, Dr. Joe Dispenza seems to be going against the flow when he encourages people to look a little harder at what they can accomplish before falling back on conventional methods and wisdom. His methods to finding health and peace, however, are simple.
“I believe in human possibility, in human potential,” he admitted to Jay Shetty. “I think that one of our biggest limiting beliefs is the belief of how limited we really are. So, my interest is to give people the science to begin to understand how powerful they really are.”
he doctor, speaker and author is a wealth of information. His speaking engagements are sold out and his book has been read by millions. Why? Jay Shetty says it’s because it works. Dispenza’s practices encourage people to fully actualize their power and potential, and they have brought transformational change to lives all over the world. In Dispenza’s time chatting with Jay Shetty, he highlighted the structure of his process:
- Reprogram to focus on positivity and health
- Look forward, not backward
- Learn to trust yourself and the process
He is convinced this will bring transformation to all aspects of life, including physical, emotional and relational health.
Choosing Health, Not Victim Mentality
The foundation of Dispenza’s work is giving people the power to see past a victim mentality and enabling them to choose how they actively deal with things instead of just reacting to whatever comes. “I want to create a language for people from a philosophical or theoretical standpoint, for them to begin to understand what's possible,” explained Dispenza to Jay Shetty. He teaches that retraining the brain to look for what is possible and not just what happens throws open the doors of possibility. That possibility, he believes, paves the way for a healthier and more positive life. In a world full of witty sayings that look good printed on a t-shirt, Dispenza advocates for hard work that brings lasting change. Anyone can purchase a t-shirt, but it takes a special kind of person to execute change every day and manifest the rewards that follow. Dispenza acknowledged to Jay Shetty that wiring information into people’s brains and bodies is what makes transformation stick. Just giving people information doesn’t stick. “I want people to begin to wire that information in their brain completely,” he told Jay Shetty, “Because learning is making new connections right in the brain. But remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections. It's so much easier to lose our vision than to remember it right.”
Step Out of the Past and Watch Progress Happen
How bad does it have to be to pursue change?
Dispenza finds that this question can be the tipping point for some people. Often, people are in a desperate situation before they are ready to look for another way forward. He believes that taking a proactive stance can make all the difference. “When the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of the change, then we will change,” he told Jay Shetty. The secret to overcoming the past is not sitting in it - it’s moving forward. Growth comes through creation, Dispenza teaches. People who define themselves by a vision of the future and not the past will be successful at what they set their sights on and at overcoming their past. Embarking into this uncharted territory, however, is not always easy. It is tempting to want to stay in the comfort of the known, even if the known isn’t the most healthy place. Dispenza teaches that a person who is able to overcome the old self in order to step out into the unknown will see growth and development.. He says that this is where reprogramming comes into play. Focusing on the future is a reprogramming of the brain. Choose to focus on change and growth instead of constantly looking back to what has been. Dispenza believes: Focusing on health programs the body to live in health. Focusing on the positive programs the brain to think positively. Demanding the best from oneself in relationships programs you to show up in relationships.
Jay Shetty agreed and said that often people get stuck in a rut because forward progress takes more effort than sitting in the known of the past. It’s easy to pass off a situation as not working, but what if that’s not the true cause of the rut? “We are the ones not working,” said Jay Shetty. “We are not working towards forward progress.” Dispenza counsels that forward progress comes through intentional understanding and growth. This trains the mind to be aware of what’s been happening and learn from it next time. He recommends using an inner dialogue to help stay on track.“The next time that happens, I think I'm going to do this or I'm going to do that or I'm going to plan my behaviors,” said Dispenza to Jay Shetty. “The act of closing your eyes and rehearsing what you're going to do begins to install the neurological hardware in your brain so it looks like you already did it. Now the brain is no longer a record of the past, it's a map to the future.” Eventually, thanks to this intentional training, new thinking will become second nature.
Dispenza is fully aware that second nature transformation takes time. It’s not an overnight remedy to a lifelong problem. He walks with people over the course of months or years in order for them to arrive at this healthier and freer space. “In the beginning, it takes a lot,” he explained to Jay Shetty, “It takes a lot of energy and awareness to stay conscious and not go unconscious. But if you're persistent and you're determined and you're sincere, you begin to figure it out. You begin to say, ‘I am not going to give my power away to that person or that circumstance when I can use it to heal or to create a new future.’”
Think Your Way To Health
Dispenza has walked with people through some of the most terrifying and helpless moments of their life. He is working hard to open the minds of people who think that conventional medicine is their only option. The powerful potential of the body, he believes, is the regenerative growth of health and the ability to fight off illness through accessing positive energy and building neural pathways. Dispenza has seen doctors baffled by cancer diagnoses rescinded after the person put concerted effort into healing their neurons and neurological pathways. Dispenza reiterates that too often the body is sold short for its ability to heal and care for itself. His mission is to encourage people to support their bodies in this work. “If you're going to create a new future, it requires a clear intention and elevated emotion,” Dispenza said to Jay Shetty. “Achieving that comes from training the body to tune into high levels of brain coherence. If you're going to believe in that future that you're creating with all of your heart, it (the brain) better be open and activated, and you better know how to do that.” Understanding the science of how this happens is vital. “Information is what opens that door,” stated Dispenza to Jay Shetty. “Just from a theoretical standpoint, your thoughts create your destiny. You are not doomed by your genes. You are your own genetic engineer. You can lengthen your life.” Dispenza’s work has seen telomeres lengthen, days added on to life, a person’s genetic future handed back to them, and more. Charting a new course starts with growth. The body’s potential for growth and rejuvenation is huge, but rarely accessed. Dispenza helps put people in the driver’s seat of their lives and their health.
Happy Self, Healthy Relationships
How does transformational thinking and health affect interaction with other people in positive ways? Diepenza once again focuses on personal health. People who no longer live with a victim mentality are able to take control of themselves and the part they play in a relationship. This frees them up to intentionally seek their health and well-being even if the other party chooses not to. “I've heard you say that we use relationships as a mechanism for our addictions to certain emotions,” stated Jay Shetty. “Tell me how we do that and how to snap out of that, because I think sometimes we're kind of like, ‘Okay well, you know, I'm not doing it, but you're using someone else as your crutch?’”
Dispenza described how people interact and connect due to shared energy, experience, and connection. “If we're sharing the same energy, we're sharing the same information, we're bound by an invisible field of energy that keeps us connected,” he said. This may seem nice when dealing with good interactions or emotions, but on the negative end of things, it can have an unhealthy effect on someone. Addiction to negative emotions can be easily tied to a certain person “I use my enemy to reaffirm my addiction to hatred,” he used as an example to Jay Shetty. “I use my co-worker to reaffirm my addiction to judgment. I use my ex to reaffirm my addiction to resentment. We have these different people in our lives that we need to remind us of who we think we are, the enemy dies and you find another one.” Transformational change calls people to set aside the negative connection of emotions to other people. “Our life begins to change when we change our energy and we begin to take our power back,” Dispenza said to Jay Shetty. “That's essential for us to begin to create with.” He finds that this stops the complaining and comparing, hinders hard feelings, and makes it easier to forgive because forgiveness is no longer associated with that person but with achieving personal freedom. Dispenza is convinced that a commitment to personal health will undoubtedly have a profound effect on relational health. He believes in the promise of this movement.This work takes intentional time and effort, but he believes in it. When this programming becomes natural, it will have a lifetime of payoff. “Once you start feeling unlimited, once you start feeling abundant, once you start feeling worthy, now you're teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind has intellectually understood,” he told Jay Shetty. “Knowledge is for the mind and experience is for the body. People begin to embody the truth of that philosophy. If they can repeat it over and over again, it'll become a habit and that will become natural.” This, he believes, is the ultimate goal. It is from this place that one can find true health and fulfillment. “When you finally have everything you want, there's only one thing you're going to ask yourself,” he told Jay Shetty. “How am I going to contribute to the world? Am I going to make a difference?” Thanks to Dispenza, people all over the world are living fully and changing the world around them. It starts with one step forward, but Joe Dispenza is convinced that this one step is the most important one of all.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “How to Chemically Teach Your Body to Focus On Healing and Vibrate at a Higher Frequency” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.

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