Jay Shetty ON 4 Types of People You Will Meet
Everybody is wired differently, and it is essential to understand how to approach them to ensure seamless communication. For example, you may sometimes feel at a loss for words in a conversation. Otherwise, it may seem that no matter how hard you try, you can't understand the person in front of you.
Everybody is wired differently, and it is essential to understand how to approach them to ensure seamless communication.
For example, you may sometimes feel at a loss for words in a conversation. Otherwise, it may seem that no matter how hard you try, you can't understand the person in front of you.In this episode, Jay Shetty shared insights into the types of people we will meet in life. Though, according to some, there are 64 personality types, Shetty has simplified this to four.
Identify Your Type
To begin identifying your type, ask yourself two questions:. The first one is: "Are you more outgoing or more reserved?"
In answering this question, think about when you feel your best. Who are you at your core? Both reserved and outgoing personality types can evoke confidence, but in different ways. The outgoing type can quickly and easily strike or facilitate a conversation.. People who fall into this type often enjoy being in the middle of things and the life of the party.
On the other hand, those who are more reserved prefer to observe.Therefore, they will listen more and talk less. They value deeper, more profound conversation over small talk. The second question that can help identify your type is, "Are you more people-focused or task-focused?"
If you are more people-focused, you usually put others above tasks. You value relationships and others’ feelings more than simply getting things done. However, if you are task-oriented, you are more driven by what you can check off your to-do list. . Though you may value others, you get more satisfaction from completing a particular task.
A Letter for Each Type
You can identify one letter for each personality trait, depending on how you usually behave in social situations. If you are more outgoing, pick O. If you are more reserved, your letter is R. If you are people-focused, you will add P, or if you are task-oriented, choose T.You may also combine your two letters. For example, if you are outgoing and task-oriented, your letter combination will be OT, or reserved and task-focused, it will be RT. Alternatively, if you are outgoing and people-oriented or reserved and people-oriented, your letters will be OP or RP. Read on to discover your personality type and learn Jay Shetty’s techniques to ensure fruitful communication with your peers—no matter your type.
OT: Outgoing, Task-Oriented
OT types are people who get things done. They are planners and doers. This type of person is dedicated to getting the job done. They may sometimes move quickly to get things done without considering the people around them. Jay Shetty observed: "Often they're moving so fast, people can get upset, often, they're moving so hard, that people get burned."
If you are in a situation where you need to communicate with an OT personality type, you need to prove that you are just as organized as they are. In a work context, you want to be prepared for the meeting, be clear about the goal, and have a path in mind that will lead you to the desired result.
Jay Shetty added that the OT wants direction. They like to have a clearly-defined plan. So, if you step in and take responsibility, be aware of their expectations of you.You want to communicate with the OT type in a way that they are going to hear you. Ensure they understand that you also value plans, schedules, and getting things done. If you don't, they may disengage.
Show them you care about the same things they do in order to promote meaningful conversation. As Theodore Roosevelt once said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
Jay Shetty used to think that the secret to good communication was being kind, loving, and caring. However, he learned that "if you're not communicating to someone in their language, they don't resonate. In the same way, as if you were talking to someone who doesn't speak English. You can be kind, caring, and loving, but they're still not going to understand you. You're not going to get through to them."
In conclusion, if you try to appeal to the personal side of the OT type, you may have a lower chance of success. Investing in others’ emotions doesn't match their communication style. Facts and concrete action plans speak more to them.
OP: Outgoing, People-Oriented
The OP type tends to be influencers. Jay Shetty explained these people are often highly persuasive, negotiators, and good at sales.
You can identify if your conversation partner falls into the OP type by the way they speak. They like talking and ideating and have a high energy level, which they bring into the conversation. This type of person thrives on being creative, recognized, and validated. They have a bright spark about them that stems from their motivation.
If you find yourself in conversation with someone like this, Jay Shetty suggests allowing them space to be open and creative. Let them lead and innovate because they need an environment where they can express their creativity. They won't flourish in a strict and dull setting.If you have this personality type, you probably have the urge to express your creativity. However, it is important to understand that many people don’t think the same way you do. So, you have to have patience and find the space to brainstorm and showcase your creativity.
OT vs. OP Types
If you have a relationship with someone with the OP type, you may notice how different their behavior is from the OT type. For example, OP people may come up with many ideas that they will fail to implement. And this is not because they don't care, it’s because most of their energy goes into thinking creatively rather than executing plans. On the other hand, OT people focus their energy on planning. They may have fewer creative ideas, but they will always be punctual and organized with their tasks.
If an OT and OP type end up working together, clarification between their approaches is needed to avoid conflict. According to Jay Shetty, to ensure smooth communication, an OP should ask an OT for a timeline so that they can have space to be creative and innovative within the bounds of the project.
RT: Reserved, Task-Oriented
The people who fall under this category are calculating and cautious.
They seek perfection, which leads them to prioritize accuracy and data. When entering a conversation with the RT type, you need to be prepared and extremely specific. Jay Shetty advised you should always do your research beforehand, saying, “If you’re communicating with someone at work [who is the reserved and tasks personality type], you want to get specific with them. You want to think about how you can connect with them based on data, insight, and solutions.”
RP: Reserved, People-Oriented
These people have high emotional intelligence and prioritize people and their feelings. They are good listeners and tend to be highly stable and supportive, which makes them good mediators. They are good at dealing with challenges because they understand what everyone needs.
These people care so much about others that they tend to be overlooked and unheard. To help them feel valued, Jay Shetty thinks it is essential to ask them how they feel and what they need so that their voices are heard.
"People that make time to listen to you are often unheard and unseen themselves because they're trying to feel what you feel. And no one ever asked them how they feel," he added.
We're All Different
Jay Shetty encouraged listeners to take time and reflect upon the differences between the personality mentioned earlier types. "I want you to recognize that the people in your life are talented, they are skilled, they are able, it's just that they think differently," he said.
As a quote attributed to Albert Einstein says, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
Learn from Others
Jay Shetty is the OP type. He is very people-oriented and also outgoing. But over time, he has also borrowed traits from the other personality types to become more well-rounded.
In the context of his own family, Jay Shetty learned that he and his wife have two different approaches to life. While both of them are people-oriented, he is outgoing, and she is more reserved. By identifying their differences, they are able to learn how to communicate with each other in the way that makes the other person feel valued and heard.
As Jay Shetty pointed out, when you know the characteristics of all four personality types (OT, OP, RT, and RP), you can better understand how each person works and not take things personally when their communication style is different than your own.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “4 Types of People You Will Meet in Life & How To Connect and Communicate With Them to Avoid Negativity” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.
1. Gulenko, V. (2019). Psychological types: Why are people so different?: 64 portraits in Socionics. how each of the 16 Jungian types varies in 4 main ways. Independently published.

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