In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty invited Benny Blanco, a music industry icon who has worked with some of the biggest names in the business. Blanco shares his insights on how to overcome failure and imposter syndrome and how to find joy and creativity in everyday moments. 

Blanco also talks about his passion for cooking and how he turned it into a successful cookbook. He offers valuable advice on pursuing your passion, even with limited resources, and how to transition your passions into different fields.

Willing to Fail to Succeed

Benny Blanco opened up to Jay Shetty about his early experiences with creativity. He had created layered music using two boomboxes since he was five or six, and this was the start of his musical journey. He didn't have any formal training, but he was determined to succeed and eager to experiment.

When describing his creative process to Jay Shetty, Blanco said he was "making a mess" and then refining it. He never fears failure and continues to improve through trial and error. The musician's mother played an important role in shaping his mindset and teaching him not to be afraid of failure. Thanks to her, Blanco continued to pursue his passion, despite external expectations and social pressure that surrounded him.

The musician considered briefly giving up music when his mentor and close friend committed suicide. However, he found the strength to honor his mentor's legacy by continuing his path in the music industry. This was yet another experience that strengthened his belief in perseverance and moving forward despite hardships.

Blanco admitted to also moving fast from one project to another, always seeking the next challenge. Yet, over time, he started to slow down and appreciate his success. Even when he has moments of doubt, the musician moves forward and continues creating. His resilient and adaptive mindset is what helped him become versatile and successful.

Learning from a Mentor

Benny Blanco attributes his success to his perseverance and his mentors. Throughout his career, he worked with multiple mentors, emphasizing the mutual learning process between mentors and mentees. 

He shared with Jay Shetty the story of how he first started on a mentorship journey at thirteen.

The musician was eager to speak to a producer whom he looked up to. So, he did his best to gain an audience - his resourcefulness and ambition secured him a job and mentorship. And although the lessons were at times hard, the setbacks only motivated him to get better. Blanco admitted that he learned invaluable lessons and bonded significantly with his mentor.

Pay It Forward

Benny Blanco is a successful musician whom many look up to. So was the case of a young boy who was eager to become his mentee. While at first unsure about becoming a mentor, Blanco agreed, as the teenager reminded him of himself at that age. 

The boy began working for Blanco mainly remotely. He initially helped build a studio, but he didn't meet the musician often. Eventually, Blanco introduced his mentee to high-profile recording sessions with artists like The Weeknd, Travis Scott, and Maroon 5. As their collaboration advanced, Blanco enjoyed his mentee's grow.

Eventually, the young boy mustered the courage to present his music to Blanco. While its initial quality is poor, the musician helped him improve. Over the years, he became a successful producer, winning awards and achieving multiple number-one records.

Blanco explained to Jay Shetty the importance of persistence. He enjoyed paying it forward and seeing his mentee succeed. The musician is all for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, a mentality he also applied in his mentorship journey.

Sticking to Routines

Benny Blanco shared his approach to work-life balance with Jay Shetty. He enjoys his work, but making time for connections is also important to him. He acknowledges that personal relationships are deeply enriching—they involve shared exploration and growth with a partner. To Blanco, maintaining work-life balance sustains creativity and well-being.

The musician opened up about his routines that keep him grounded. He likes to cook, and he regularly visits his mother. Similarly, Jay Shetty has recurring calls with his mother and mediates every day, a practice that allows him to maintain focus and balance.

To the artist, setting boundaries between work and private life is equally essential; he ensures he has enough personal time to rejuvenate. Meditation is one such practice that keeps Blanco grounded. However, he admits to falling asleep during meditation, the body's natural response to its need for rest. Listening to your body's cues is essential to maintaining health and creativity.

Therapy and Meditation as an Outlet

When Blanco's career took off, it was a difficult period for him. He admitted to Jay Shetty to feeling overwhelmed by the new responsibilities and pressures. He was initially excited by his success but later on struggled with anxiety and felt unable to cope with the expectations.

Growing up, Blanco didn't learn much about mental health - it is a topic that he started to consider only after needing support himself. However, when he reached a breaking point during an anxiety attack, he sought professional help. His therapist helped him manage his anxiety through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Additionally, Blanco shared with Jay Shetty the meditation practices that helped him alleviate his anxiety. He sits quietly with calming music for 20-30 minutes daily; he originally found this practice challenging but eventually started looking forward to it.

The musician emphasized the importance of finding an outlet. In addition to therapy and meditation, he found relief and balance in his gym sessions. He believes it is essential to maintain self-care practices to maintain optimal mental health and manage external pressure.

Coping with External Expectations

Coping with external expectations can be challenging, especially as a public figure. Blanco and Jay Shetty admit to feeling pressure to be and behave in a certain manner, even if it is not what they feel like doing. Jay admits to not always following a perfect routine, even though people expect him to be flawless in his meditation practices.

Jay has let go of the pressure to always appear perfect—in his eyes, authenticity and transparency are more beneficial. He emphasizes that everyone (even those perceived as highly disciplined, like mindfulness experts or top athletes) faces challenges and imperfections. In the end, public figures are also humans; embracing your flaws will lead to a more genuine and relaxed approach in your personal and professional life.

More than Just a Cookbook

Benny Blanco shared with Jay Shetty that Open Wide: A Cookbook for Friends is more than a simple cookbook. He enjoys cooking and hosting, and food is a significant aspect of his social life. The musician values social connections and community and enjoys creating memorable experiences through hosting.

Blanco believes in making people feel special by catering to their preferences, something he learned from his grandmother. His newest book reflects his philosophy of creating perfect dinner parties, focused on community rather than the food alone. Moreover, the musician likes to mix diverse groups of people, facilitate connections, and ensure everyone enjoys themselves. 

"Food is the best social lubricant in the world," Blanco told Jay Shetty. Although he enjoys being around different people, the musician prefers a homely atmosphere to a restaurant. He enjoys preparing for a cozy dinner, from selecting the perfect napkins to curating the ideal ambiance. To him, food is a way of creating a community and fostering meaningful connections.

Blanco cherishes building a community and sharing experiences. His group of friends is very diverse—it includes people from various backgrounds and ages. The musician doesn't have many new friends but maintained relationships from his early years. Despite different lifestyles, he stayed connected with his old friends. Moreover, having multigenerational friendships provides different perspectives for personal growth.

How Well Do You Know Your Closest People?

Benny Blanco opened up to Jay Shetty about his relationships. He explained that sometimes we don't know the people closest to us very well. We may miss out on some of their life stories, personal histories, or emotions. Therefore, the musician started to ask his mother intimate questions about her life; this way, he gained new insights into her person, getting to know her as a woman beyond her mother's role to him.

Blanco also explains to Jay Shetty that he liked his friend's idea of recording these conversations to capture his family's stories. The musician incorporates spoken-word sections of his family members into his music. One recurring topic is his parents' divorce, which he tries to understand from multiple perspectives.

These personal conversations with his family members sheds new light on Blanco's views. He can better understand his parents' decision to separate and how that event impacted all parties. The musician and Jay Shetty agree that having deep conversations with your loved ones will help you uncover their true selves and histories, bringing you closer together and putting things into perspective.

More From Jay Shetty

Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Benny Blanco ON 3 Ways to Stop Caring About Failure & Get Out of Your Own Way” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at

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