My First Book Revealed: Think Like A Monk
Jay Shetty With 12 Lessons on Training Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day. This week was a really exciting week for me. I shared something I’ve been working on for such a long time now, and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who got involved and joined me in the big announcement.
Jay Shetty With 12 Lessons on Training Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day
This week was a really exciting week for me. I shared something I’ve been working on for such a long time now, and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who got involved and joined me in the big announcement. If you missed it, you’re probably asking, “What are you even talking about Jay Shetty?” Last Tuesday I announced that my first ever book was available for preorder worldwide. The book is called Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day.The response has been absolutely phenomenal! This is my personal thank you to each and every one of you who've already pre-ordered and shown your love for the book online.
That’s One Big Launch, Jay Shetty!
The book preorder was a huge success, and it’s all thanks to all of you. It shot straight to #1 best-selling book in India, #1 best-selling book in the UK, and #5 best-selling book in the U.S. Within 12 hours, the book ranked as #1 on the Movers and Shakers list, #1 on Meditation, and so many other spaces. As a way of expressing my gratitude for all your support, I recently gave a deep dive sneak peek on the 12 key lessons from Think Like a Monk. I want you to be the first to have the insights that are coming your way in the book. These insights are so powerful today, and this article is your inside look and behind-the-scenes feel of why I wrote the book, what the book is about, and how I see it serving and helping you.
This is How the Book Began
I started my personal journey of meditation, self-development, and personal growth 14 years ago. Through the journey I found so much. I found confidence. I found self esteem. I found my passion. I found my purpose. I found the deepest things I didn't even know I was seeking.Very quickly I realized that a big part of my passion and purpose is to serve and give the wisdom I’ve learned with others. I started small. For almost a decade I shared my thoughts on psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and behavioral science at universities, local events, and in small groups of 10, 20, 30, 40 people. And three years ago I made a commitment to myself to present the amazing wisdom and lessons I had learned from my amazing mentors and coaches online through video. I wanted to share in a way that would be accessible, relevant, and innovative.My intention was just to share wisdom with more people so they would know they were not alone. They’d see there were more people out there like them, and it would make a difference. And it did.
A Global Community of Conscious Change Makers
With your help, we've built a global community of conscious change makers. Whether you joined this community three years ago or three days ago or three hours ago or three minutes ago, I just wanted to say thank you. I genuinely see you all as the community and family because I really believe that what we've built is a community. As far as I’m concerned, you are all a part of this Jay Shetty’s family. I hope that one day I can meet you face to face. I’d love to shake your hand, look you in the eye, give you a hug, and say thank you. Together we've made wisdom go viral. Because you all watched and shared them, some of my videos became the most viewed videos online. On February 14, 2019 my podcast “On Purpose With Jay Shetty” launched, and it’s consistently been the #1 health podcast in the world. I can honestly say this is just the beginning. I never thought any of this would happen. There was no plan or strategy behind the growth we’ve experienced, but it’s always about helping and supporting. Thank you for helping me serve. This is only the beginning of our journey.
Why Think Like a Monk?
I've had so much amazing positive feedback on the title. People are loving it, and I want to let you in on why I chose that name. We're living in a crazy, chaotic world. There's a lot of pressure, there's a lot of pain, and there's a lot of stress. What I found through my monk training is that monks were able to remain centered, balanced, calm, and still in and amongst all the chaos, pain, and pressure life throws at us. We all want more of that, don’t we?I think about it kind of like this. If you wanted to become an incredible basketball player, who would you go and learn from? Guys like Kobe Bryant or LeBron James, right? If you want to be the best tennis player in the world, you'd look up Roger Federer, or Serena Williams. If you want to master vulnerability, maybe you'd go learn from Brene Brown. If you want to master business and investments, you’d study Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos.We try to master so many things in our lives - our careers, our relationships, our families, our friends, our communication, our confidence - and all of it starts and is processed through the mind. If we learn to master the mind, if we learn to navigate the mind, then we can learn to navigate our thoughts and of course master our life. Monks are the absolute experts in mastering their minds. They’ve dedicated their lives to it, and it’s not just a hypothesis or theory, it’s proven scientific fact that training the mind is possible. If you want to learn how to train your mind, monks are the experts you want to learn from. There are so many incredible lessons I learned during my time as a monk, and I want you to know that you don’t have to be a monk to experience these lessons too. You don't have to live like a monk. You don't have to dress like a monk. You don't have to give everything up like a monk. You don't even have to go live on a mountaintop. You can access the same mindset, the same thinking patterns, the same processes in a simple way in my book.Your mind is a muscle, and it can be trained. The 12 lessons in Train Like a Monk are exactly what you need in order to start. The concepts in this book were all concepts I couldn't break down into 30 minute podcasts or four minute videos. Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty is a deep dive into learning each lesson step by step. I actually give you the stages and phases of the processes I teach in each lesson.
Lesson 1 - Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day.
This book focuses on practical exercises, activities, and experiments. Everything in this book is something you can actually do in your own time at home, whether you're in the back of a car, ion your commute, walking your dog, or cooking. This is not just a theoretical and philosophical book.
Lesson 2 - Stop Living According to O.E.O.s.
What’s an O.E.O., Jay Shetty? O.E.O.s are other people’s opinions, expectations, and obligations. Too many of us live our lives based on O.E.O.s. It’s time to stop that and start living life on your own terms. Monks do this so consciously, carefully, and artfully that they don’t damage the relationships in their lives.
Lesson 3 - Remove Negativity and Overcome Toxic Relationships & Habits
So often we spend all of our time wondering how we can stop someone from doing something that negatively affects us. We use far too much energy focusing on everything we can't control instead of what we can - our minds. Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty will teach you how to protect yourself by building mental armor that blocks negativity but doesn’t stop you from letting love in and letting love out. I also talk about the process of weeding out the negativity and toxicity in your life and creating positive mental armor in. It’s really, really powerful.
Lesson 4 - Healing Your Anxiety, Fear and Pain from the Past
When I became a monk, it felt like I was leaving all my baggage outside. I couldn’t bring my possessions with me, and in a way it felt like I left my past anxiety, fear, and pain behind too. In this book, I break down the process monks use to heal the past, let go of anxiety, and remove fears.We think the further we run away from fear, the less you have to deal with it, the less it affects you. Well, we don't realize is as you run away from fear, fear gets more time to grow. The monk perspective is to get intimate with fear so you can understand what’s behind it and deal with it appropriately.
Lesson 5 - Uncover Your True Passion and Purpose
I believe we all have a unique calling that belongs to us. When we’re able to live in that true passion and purpose, it’s amazing! I receive more questions about how to find your true purpose than any other topic, so I devoted a whole chapter to the topic. I’m so excited for you to see all the activities and exercises that will help you discover your passion and purpose and start living it practically.
Lesson 6 - Create Effective Morning and Evening Routines
I'm not expecting any of you to wake up at 4:00 AM or meditate for two hours a day. That's not what Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty is about. This book is full of practical ways to transform your daily routines. This book is full of deeply thought through themes and concepts that aren’t your everyday advice.
Lesson 7 - Break Free From Overthinking and Procrastination
Wish you could make decisions and take action faster? Monks’ minds are so highly trained they’re able to switch focus without falling into overthinking or procrastination. This book shows you how you can sharpen your focus using the same practices monks use.
Lesson 8 - Leave Ego Behind
Ego is like a false armor. You feel protected, but actually everything pierces right through. It falsely makes us feel were set up for success, but then actually brings us down. You're really going to love exploring ego through this book, especially if you haven't studied it before.
Lesson 9 - Develop an Impactful Gratitude Practice
Studies show spending five minutes a day with a day gratitude journal can increase your long term wellbeing by more than 10%! That's the same impact as doubling your income. Crazy, right? I’ll show you how to start a gratitude practice in Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty.
Lesson 10 - Find and Develop True Compatibility in Relationships
I've dedicated a lot of podcast episodes to relationships, so I knew I didn’t want to leave relationships out of this book. There’s a whole chapter dedicated to the monk method behind self-awareness and compatibility, and I’ve experienced it firsthand. After being a monk, I was able to recognize right away that my wife was the right one for me. I can’t wait to tell you all about how you can increase your self-awareness and affect your relationships for the best.
Lesson 11 - Build a Service Mindset
Did you know that when you have a mindset of service, you actually do a better job of practicing self-care and self-love as well? When you know someone else is dependent on you, you focus more on your own mindset and rest and refuel. Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty will show you how self-care and self-love are rooted in service and how to build a mindset that is based on service.
Lesson 12 - The 3 Steps of Meditation
Meditation has been proven to be an immune system booster, and studies show it reduces anxiety, depression, and addiction. Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty will describe the three most powerful steps in meditation and show you how you can implement them in different areas of your life.
Preorder Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty
The amount of blood, sweat, and tears and the amount of soul that has gone into this book is insane. It's definitely the best work I've ever done. If you've loved the videos, if you've enjoyed my podcasts, the book is our next step of going deeper together.If you haven’t already, I encourage you to go ahead and pre-order the book. You can preorder it at https://thinklikeamonkbook.com, and it’s also available for preorder across the world from anywhere good books are sold.Click here to preorder your copy now!

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