In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty welcomed Rob Dial, host of the Mindset Mentor podcast and author of Level Up. They discuss the common issue of procrastination and the underlying role of fear.

According to Dial, it is possible to change negative thought patterns; he shared with Jay and the listeners some of his methods to overcome negativity, connect deeply with your personal motivations, and how to embrace all aspects of yourself.

Taking Action Is Crucial

The central theme of Rob Dial's book Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life is the focus. He explains to Jay Shetty that fears often hold people back, regardless of whether they are primal or intellectual. Primal fears help us keep safe and survive. Intellectual fears, on the other hand, are created by the mind, such as fear of rejection or failure. Dial emphasizes that these intellectual fears are illusions, and overcoming them requires shifting focus away from them.

Dial discussed with Jay Shetty Jim Carrey's experience of losing his identity while method acting, documented in Jim and Andy. This experience led Carrey to question his true self. Dial believes fear and a fixed self-identity hinder focus and action and that the way to better achieve your goals and aspirations is to challenge these barriers.

Intellectual Fears

Intellectual fears often stand in the way of progress. Dial explained to Jay Shetty how they are projections of potential negative outcomes, unreal, but the brain responds in the same way as if we were hunted by a wild animal. To counter the effects of intellectual fears, Dial suggests asking yourself, "What's the best that could happen?" and envisioning a positive outcome instead.

According to Rob Dial, there are three steps in overcoming fear: awareness, practice, and repetition. He shared from his own experience that you can change a pattern of judgment by consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive observations. Repeating this practice consistently transformed his automatic responses from judgment to acceptance.

Jay Shetty believes that recognizing and transforming recurring negative thoughts is a powerful practice. By becoming more selective about our thoughts, we can change our mental patterns and improve our lives. It is, therefore, crucial to detach ourselves from our thoughts from the outside. Dial uses the comparison of watching cars pass by while sitting on a mountain - you can simply observe your thoughts without identifying with them. If you take a step back, you will be able to see more clearly which thoughts are helpful and which are harmful so that you can filter them accordingly.

Having a Strong 'Why'

Jay Shetty brought up the topic of procrastination, which is common in today's world. Dial explains that having a deep understanding of the reasons behind your actions can provide motivation to overcome obstacles. If you are clear on why you want to achieve a certain goal, you will find a means to do it.

As soon as you understand why you do what you do, the path forward becomes clearer, and you can set tangible goals. Rob Dial left a well-paid job to pursue his passion for coaching and podcasting. He traded a secure income for uncertainty for fear of not living a fulfilling life. However, Dial emphasized that you need to be committed to your goal to achieve it.

Apart from understanding your deepest motivations, having the right guidance along the way is crucial. Jay Shetty and Rob Dial discuss the importance of mentors and their impact on people's self-discovery process. As scary as the road to your goal may be, you can always get there through consistent work and a strong inner drive.

Living Your Truth

Jay Shetty shared the example of Jim Carrey's father, who chose to become an accountant because it gave him job security, yet his true passion was comedy. However, he got laid off from that job and had to find other ways to make ends meet. So Jim Carrey concluded, "You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."

True growth requires continuous effort and dealing with uncertainty along the way. Therefore, Dial underlines the importance of understanding and managing your fears - it is crucial to identify which ones are intellectual fears and reframe them into positive beliefs. He also believes that procrastination results from lacking a strong "why." Dial explained that motivation is fleeting, yet a strong reason can incentivize you to overcome obstacles and stay committed.

Rob Dial used to seek fulfillment through financial success. However, his focus shifted towards silence and self-awareness as means to feeling fulfilled. He transitioned from being a workaholic to finding peace in stillness. This change allowed him to process emotions and traumas - releasing built-up stress is crucial for better health. So, he advocates for practicing mindfulness to find purpose and fulfillment and to reconnect with your true self.

Jay Shetty and Rob Dial agree that material achievements don't fill internal voids; however, you can achieve them by connecting with your soul. To successfully balance worldly responsibilities with spiritual growth, you must recognize the constant need for awareness and effort and allow life to flow naturally rather than forcing outcomes. This way, you can ensure a more peaceful and aligned life.

Coexistence of Oneness and Duality

Rob Dial highlights the importance of balancing the significance and insignificance of life. In Easter traditions, the concept of duality implies that both immediate and greater reality coexist and hold value; understanding life's dual nature helps us maintain perspective and reduce pressure.

Duality as a concept resonates with Rob Dial - he recognizes the importance of work while being aware of its broader insignificance. The mindset of embracing opposite aspects of life alleviates stress and brings joy and creativity into his endeavors. Dial shared with Jay Shetty how being constantly distracted by screens and external factors can hinder this connection. Therefore, he emphasizes the importance of silence and presence in discovering true creativity and ideas.

Dial's spiritual journey focuses on connecting with his inner self, detaching from material possessions, and prioritizing peace. He has deleted Instagram from his phone to be more present with his wife and future children. This way, he aims for a more meaningful life away from digital distractions. Jay Shetty and Rob Dial agree that the path to true fulfillment lies in balancing external achievements with internal growth and understanding and striving for a deeper connection with yourself and the present moment.

External Validation

Jay Shetty and Rob Dial discuss the misconception that being anxious and busy leads to effectiveness. Jay believes that approaching tasks with stillness allows for better decision-making and the ability to zoom in and out on problems. You are more likely to gain clarity and perspective if you start from a place of peace. Conversely, a frantic and busy state creates a blurry and unfocused mindset.

Rob Dial spent years seeking external validation and acceptance, only to realize he was, in fact, seeking self-acceptance and love. He points out that many people, including himself, try to change aspects of themselves they dislike, but this resistance only strengthens those traits. Instead of fighting these parts, Dial has learned to embrace and love every aspect of himself.

He explains to Jay Shetty that even the less desirable traits stem from past conditioning, and it is crucial to understand rather than reject them. Accepting these parts of himself has allowed Dial to use them as tools when necessary, enhancing his creativity and productivity without internal struggle. Dial notes that recognizing and accepting his whole self, both the "good" and the "bad," has been transformative, enabling him to bring out different aspects of his personality to achieve his goals more effectively.

Learn to Ask for Help

Dial learned that you can't do it all alone. Having suffered from emotional neglect from his father growing up, he learned to rely solely on himself. However, as his podcast and company grew, he had to rely on others for support. It was an important lesson for him: trusting others and understanding that together, you can achieve bigger and better things than doing it all yourself.

Rob Dial learned to ask for help and trust others. He admits to Jay Shetty that true strength lies in acknowledging when you need assistance and being willing to seek support from others, including his wife. This was a vital realization for his personal and professional growth, allowing him to build a more supportive and effective team.

More From Jay Shetty

Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Rob Dial ON How to Break the Cycle of Procrastination & 3 Ways to Change Your Repeated Thoughts” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at

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