Jay Shetty & Orlando Bloom ON 3 Reasons Why You Should Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes
Making mistakes can feel daunting at times, causing you to feel uncertain and uneasy. However, it is important to understand that these feelings are natural occurrences. To grow in life, we must shift our perspective on fear and view it as an opportunity for personal development.
Making mistakes can feel daunting at times, causing you to feel uncertain and uneasy.
However, it is important to understand that these feelings are natural occurrences. To grow in life, we must shift our perspective on fear and view it as an opportunity for personal development.
In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty interviewed Orlando Bloom, actor and humanitarian, about his journey to self-discovery. Bloom shared his insights on maintaining balance in a busy life, overcoming fears, embracing vulnerability, and using life's challenges as opportunities for growth. He opened up about his personal growth journey and the valuable insights he gained along the way.
Practicing Chanting
Orlando Bloom shared with Jay Shetty that his show To The Edge was inspired by COVID-19. He wanted to explore how people in different communities find positivity and resilience. His idea for a show didn't gain the expected traction initially, but Bloom enjoys the adrenaline-fueled aspects of his new venture.
As a child, Bloom admits to having stage fright despite being an actor. He faced many challenges in his career, including a lack of focus and concentration and being diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD. He told Jay Shetty that having to overcome these obstacles shaped his path.
At 16, Bloom had his first encounter with Buddhism. He felt an instant connection to this religion, which he practices today. One of his friends introduced him to the chanting practice. From the moment he heard the first Buddhist chant, Bloom gradually immersed himself in the practice. It gave him a sense of rhythm and flow, especially during challenging periods, such as exams. The actor improved his study and focus by chanting, achieving higher grades in his studies.
Bloom believes setting intentions is as powerful as having faith, especially for young people. To him, having something to trust and believe in has been a cornerstone of his life. Through faith and a persevering mindset, he overcame his shortcomings, improved his focus, and became better.
The Lotus Sutra
Orlando Bloom shared with Jay Shetty the teachings of his mentor, Daisaku Ikeda. Ikeda brought the Buddhist teachings from Japan to the world and made them accessible through extensive writing. The Buddhist philosophy (especially the Lotus Sutra) that he taught the actor became an important anchor in his life. The Lotus Sutra revolves around seeing life's difficulties as a part of the human experience. This mindset helped Bloom through personal hardships and near-death experiences.
Practicing the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" chant is a practice that invokes the mystic law of cause and effect. The actor admitted that it helped him transform difficult experiences into rich textures on the canvas of life, as he described it to Jay Shetty. Chanting keeps him grounded and helps him maintain balance and perspective amid life's changes.
Life Lessons
Orlando Bloom acknowledged the challenges he faced as a public person. Because he was constantly in the spotlight, he received tabloid attention, especially during challenging periods. He told Jay Shetty that his Buddhist practice and chanting helped him stay centered and resilient.
The actor only decided to change the public narrative after his partner Katy Perry suggested to create his own social media channel. This way, he could share his perspective and offer the public a glimpse into who Orlando Bloom truly is. The actor acknowledges the importance of embracing mistakes and learning from them - it increases your trust in yourself and helps you find perspective even during the most difficult times.
Faith and Trust
In his show, Orlando Bloom faced multiple situations that placed him outside his comfort zone. He shared with Jay Shetty that trust, faith, and self-worth are essential to managing one's fears. The actor admires professional athletes who perfect their skills through extensive practice and preparation as they overcome fears and learn to take control of the situation.
Bloom did freediving and wingsuiting, among other extreme experiences — he felt the fear of failure and the need for control. To cope with his fear, he focused on adhering to protocols which helped him manage his anxiety and build self-esteem. Yet Bloom views his experiences on the show as a human experiment, which teaches him about self-respect, capability, and trust in his journey.
The actor admitted to Jay Shetty that his Buddhist practice plays a crucial role in his mental resilience; it provides him with a framework for dealing with fear and uncertainty. To him, it is vital to have faith and respect your path while also respecting others' faith and life journeys.
Enjoy the Present Moment
Jay Shetty noted that attempts to control everything can lead to a sense of helplessness. Bloom adds that discomfort and challenges are opportunities for growth. He finds it, therefore, important to balance the adrenaline rush from extreme sports with the mindfulness of everyday moments. The actor values both the thrill and the mundane yet meaningful experiences with family and loved ones.
Bloom shared with Jay Shetty his journey with plant medicine, which taught him gratitude, presence, and stillness. During a ceremony, he set an intention around understanding the feminine energy and its influence on his life. He discovered three key insights on his journey: deep gratitude for his life, an affirmation of his positive relationships with women, and the importance of nurturing his feminine qualities (like creativity and compassion). Bloom also learned that you never know when your interaction with others could be your last, so he advises the listeners to make every moment meaningful and positive.
Letting Go and Growing in a Relationship
Orlando Bloom and Jay Shetty agree that genuine commitment in a relationship involves constantly letting go of control and preconceived notions of intimacy. If you learn to let go, you make room for deeper connections as both partners evolve.
Bloom explains how mutual respect and accountability contribute to a nurturing and happy relationship. He emphasizes that embracing imperfections and lessons from mistakes are crucial for personal development and maintaining a healthy relationship. Keeping a relationship alive requires continuous effort; you make every day the deliberate choice to grow together with your partner and to support and accept each other, no matter the hardships headed your way.
Teaching Children About Buddhism
Orlando Bloom shared with Jay Shetty that he introduced his children to his Buddhist practices. He encourages them to practice the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" since he is deeply convinced that it can protect seven generations in the past and future. The actor subtly integrates his faith in everyday activities, such as walking and talking to his son, Flynn. He aims to instill in him the values of respect and compassion but also give him the space and opportunity to digest the information.
The actor finds it important to reinforce positive behavior, even if it feels performative. He believes that consistent effort will eventually lead to genuine understanding. Bloom acknowledged experiencing stress and intense moments in spite of his composed demeanor, which he balances through his spiritual and mental practices.
Seen, Safe, and Celebrated
Orlando Bloom opened up to Jay Shetty about self-acceptance. There are parts of him that others might judge, criticize, or feel uncomfortable about, yet he learned that shame and guilt are not the solution. Instead, he chose to accept himself for who he is. Bloom sees humans like small galaxies filled with energy and potential.
The actor told Jay Shetty that we become our thoughts. A while back, he attended the Hoffman Institute, where he felt like he had three years of therapy condensed into one week. There, he learned how to recognize and address inherited behavioral patterns, especially those stemming from his relationship with his mother. While at the Hoffmann Institute, the actor embraced the concept of feeling safe, seen, and celebrated. These three criteria became his guide for assessing all his future relationships, including romantic ones. He understood the need for boundaries and how they can lead to healthier interactions.
Jay Shetty resonates with Bloom's experience - he acknowledges that by striving to improve, he overcame unpleasant behavior in intimate relationships. He found forgiveness, patience, and mutual understanding beneficial for a solid partnership. He added that a loyal relationship requires continuous effort, understanding, and letting go of negative emotions.
Life Lessons Come Unexpectedly
Orlando Bloom told Jay Shetty his conviction that the universe aligns to support your decisions. Even when mistakes occur, it is essential to continue moving forward and learning from them. When he first met his partner, Bloom wrote a mission statement — he committed to always rising after setbacks. Growth comes through challenges and less during times of ease.
Bloom's habit of chanting has strengthened his belief that challenges are opportunities for personal development. He explained to Jay Shetty that embracing a learning mindset and growth can be invigorating. He suggests simplifying life by establishing personal rituals to maintain balance, such as spending time in nature or practicing mindfulness. The actor believes in building a "toolbox" of strategies to help you navigate discomfort while helping you grow and reach fulfillment.
Mastering Self-Discipline
In a world where AI is on the rise, Bloom shared with Jay Shetty his views about technology. He was born before technology was widely available, but his children don't know a world without internet. However, the actor believes that it is in our power to control technology's influence on our lives. Putting down the phone and engaging in mindful activities takes discipline in personal choices.
Bloom stressed the necessity for routines — you must become self-disciplined to avoid becoming passive consumers of overwhelming information. The actor warns against slipping into a passive role, or "autopilot mode," as he calls it. It can be challenging to achieve self-mastery in a world full of constant news, but it is vital in managing the information overflow coming your way in the digital era.
"You're Enough"
Orlando's Bloom Buddhist practice has anchored him throughout his Hollywood career. He told Jay Shetty that his "superpower" fuels his wisdom, courage, and compassion. Even when he doesn't chant daily, his deep-rotted beliefs help him navigate challenges.
Bloom believes that overcoming fears often involves confronting deep-seated, subconscious patterns; these are influenced by historical and generational experiences. Moreover, the actor sees life similarly to ancient Egyptians, focusing on actions that prepare him for the next life. He acknowledges the cyclical nature of life, where struggle and growth periods alternate. Through intense physical and mental training, he confronted and overcame personal fears.
Moreover, Bloom discussed with Jay Shetty the idea of not being "enough" in the absence of external validation and material possessions. He admitted that he enjoys fast cars, but they are not essential for his happiness. For this reason, he chose to focus on internal fulfillment rather than material objects. He advises the listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. This way, they will learn who they are and embrace their authenticity.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Orlando Bloom ON 3 Reasons Why You Need to Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes & Shift Your Perspective on Fear” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.

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