Jay Shetty ON 2 Tips to Help You Truly Live in the Moment
Jay Shetty talks about getting caught up in the rat race of life and never taking the time to slow down and live in the moment
Are you caught up in the rat race of life, running here and there, never taking the time to slow down and live in the moment? If you said yes, you are not alone.
Professor Richard Wiseman’s research in his “Pace of Life Project” reveals that the average pace of life is now ten percent faster than it was in the early 1990s. People run faster and faster just to find time to relax. There is a solid pull to always do more - to submit one more report, run one more mile, stay one more hour, or take on one more project. When the pandemic left us no choice but to slow down, uncertainty and anxiety riddled society. People feared their jobs wouldn’t be there when they were allowed to return to work or that opportunities for advancement would be gone. Meanwhile, businesses had to pivot and switch gears. The use of technology soared, allowing companies to remain competitive. Employees learned new skills and new technology. People had to rethink how to live their lives in a world that suddenly stopped. When your days look different than what you are used to, you find ways to fill that time. Maybe you reconnected with an old friend via FaceTime or learned a new skill. Perhaps you had dinner with your family every night or started working from home on a flexible schedule. Whatever it was, for some of us, the shift the pandemic created allowed us to be more present and live in the moment. Living in the moment is something that most of us struggle to do, but it has many benefits. Here are four benefits you can start looking for today.
When you immerse yourself in the present, you allow yourself to gain a new perspective on life. When you view things with appreciation and positivity, breaking free from thoughts of the past or future plans, it is easier to be happy.
Less Worry
When you are not so focused on what needs to be done and how you will do it, you free yourself from worry. This gives you the confidence and ability to better handle the things that come your way, and you stop second-guessing yourself.
Less Disappointment
When you don’t have expectations for the future, you won’t be disappointed when things don’t happen the way you planned. If you keep an open mind, you will not be emotionally affected when things happen because you didn’t spend time worrying about it.
Enjoy the Present Moment
When you compare past experiences with your current experience, it stifles the joy that you feel in the present moment. You will find more joy in the present moment if you are not comparing it to what it was or what it could be.
Start the Day on a Positive Note
It is essential to start the day on a positive note with things that help set the tone for the day. For Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty, taking time each morning to be mindful of how they start their day is done over a cup of tea. Instead of starting their day rushing through their mental to-do lists and worrying about what the day holds, Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty intentionally set aside time in their daily routines to enjoy some time for themselves. Jay Shetty loves to start his morning with tennis. Radhi Devlukia-Shetty enjoys starting her day with meditation. Your morning routine doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. Maybe a morning walk in nature with no headphones is something you enjoy. A favorite workout can get your blood flowing and the endorphins pumping. Perhaps meditation, journaling, or breathwork is how you like to start your day. Find something that you enjoy, make it part of your routine, and make it meaningful. Don’t let your daily routines become you just going through the motions. Make the moments meaningful and purpose-filled so you can be present in those moments. Instead of walking to the store while listening to music, call a friend or loved one and have a conversation. At bedtime, put down your phone and have a cup of tea while listening to a guided meditation. Invest your time in meaningful things that bring you joy and contentment. Live in the moment.
Sama Tea: Jay Shetty’s Favorite Tip for Living in the Moment
Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty are excited to introduce you to their new tea brand, Sama. Sama Tea is inspired by Ayurvedic practices, crafted with purpose, passion, and play, steeped in the moment, and crafted to help you live in the present.At Sama, we believe that feelin’ good comes from doin’ good. Whether you share a cup of tea with a loved one or take time for some TLC, Sama Tea is there to help you enjoy life’s everyday moments.
Sama-A-Day Sweepstakes
Sama Tea will be available for purchase this September. Want to get in on the action early? Enter the Sama Tea to win a signed sampler box full of Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty’s favorite Sama Tea blends.There is no better way to start your day than with some time for you and an organic tea infused with Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty’s favorite flavors.Enter the Sweepstakes at Sama Tea.
Take Time for Yourself
When you start your day with a routine that sets you up for success, you are more apt to be able to handle any curve balls that the day may throw at you. The choice is yours. You don’t have to continue to rush around being so busy that there is no time for you. Be intentional about taking time for yourself. It might be in the morning before you head off to work, or at bedtime when you are winding down for the day. Sama Tea is a perfect companion for those times and every moment in between. If you are looking for a way to carve out some time for yourself in the hustle and bustle of life, consider starting your daily routine in the same way that Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia-Shetty do, with a delicious cup of Sama Tea. Do not wait until September to get yours. Enter the Sama-A-day Sweepstakes to get your signed sampler box today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, and you never know how many moments you will get in life. Take advantage of each moment you are given and learn to realize that each moment is a blessing.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode ON 2 Tips to Help You Truly Live in the Moment now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay Shetty’s website at jayshetty.me.
1 Wiseman, R. (n.d.). Welcome to the pace of life project. Pace of Life. http://www.richardwiseman.com/quirkology/pace_home.htm.

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