Jay Shetty welcomes Michael B. Jordan as his guest on the On Purpose podcast.

An acclaimed actor, director, and producer, Jordan is known for his commitment to social change through his work in Hollywood. He recently made his directorial debut with Creed III, earning the biggest opening weekend for a sports movie in history.

Michael B. Jordan's accolades include being named one of Time's 100 Most Influential People of 2023 and People's 2020 Sexiest Man Alive. Beyond his cinematic achievements, he is also launching a new health venture with his innovative sea moss beverage.

He opens up about his upbringing and the importance of speaking the truth and being honest with yourself and others. You can learn from this discussion how to connect with your inner self, guided by your intuition and a sense of purpose.

Doubting His Success

Jordan shared with Jay Shetty the story of his humble beginnings. While he came from a lower financial background, the actor never felt the hardships of life. His parents ensured his well-being, even if they struggled.

Jordan is proud and grateful for his upbringing in Newark, New Jersey. He attributes his success to his parents' involvement. Unlike many of his peers, both of Jordan's parents were hands-on, instilling discipline, focus, and an awareness of his environment.

Growing up in a less-favorable environment, the actor recalls feeling shielded. He told Jay Shetty that it was only later in life that he understood his parents' sacrifice for him. They offered a supportive and loving environment that encouraged big dreams and optimism.

But with fame came also doubt. Jordan acknowledged that he felt guilty for his success. He sometimes wondered why only a few people around him shared similar opportunities and wins while most remained in their original environment. As the actor advanced in his career, the familiar faces became even fewer, a realization that brought a lot of introspection.

Appreciation Looking Back

Jordan is glad to have been raised the way his parents did. He was taught the importance of community and is now committed to giving back. He realized the importance of recognizing your journey and its contributing factors and maintaining a sense of humility and gratitude for all opportunities.

Additionally, the actor recounts his father's discipline, followed by his mother's explanatory conversations. Through this way, he learned the value of familial support and community. He is grateful for his upbringing because the older he gets, the more he understands and values his parent's sacrifices for his well-being.

Overcoming the Imposter Syndrome

When he became an actor and director, Jordan struggled with self-doubt and imposter syndrome; he felt unworthy of his success. He shares with Jay Shetty his transition from feeling like a fraud to internalizing his value. It was a cumulative process influenced by various factors, such as validation from others, personal growth, and mentorship.

The actor is aware of his role in breaking generational cycles. He understands that seizing opportunities can positively impact his community of origin. So, he explained to Jay that in the broader societal context, he is in a unique position to affect change.

To Jordan, becoming a better person and continuously seeking tools to maximize his potential was important. He pushed himself out of his comfort zone through challenging experiences and leadership positions. Directing Creed III forced the actor to confront his doubts and embrace more responsibilities. He told Jay Shetty that success comes with pressure, a weight often invisible to bystanders.

Grow Through Challenges

Growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Jordan explained to Jay Shetty the importance of challenging yourself to grow and embrace opportunities, even if unprepared. When he accepted challenging roles, the actor noted a personal evolution. He stresses the necessity of facing challenges head-on to become a better person, capable of managing tough situations more easily.

Taking on opportunities forces personal growth, even if you initially lack the necessary skills. Michael B. Jordan shared with Jay Shetty how his mentors and advisors introduced him to new habits that helped him evolve. He now practices meditation and intention-setting to live a more fulfilled life.

On a professional level, Jordan's executive coach helped him manage his growing ambitions and team dynamics. He learned the importance of quality conversations, tailored communication, and holding team members accountable while respecting their individuality. This approach allowed him to shift his image from solely a talent to a recognized leader and positive industry disruptor.

Jay Shetty emphasized that listening to your intuition rather than following trends leads to a genuine alignment with your personal and professional goals. Feeling spiritually and intuitively aligned often leads to the right decisions, even if they don't always make immediate financial sense. So, pursuing what feels right internally can lead to fulfilling and impactful careers despite external challenges and expectations.

Constant Evolution

Michael B. Jordan believes that a positive mindset is a catalyst for change. Thoughts are powerful. He explained how he is convinced that moments of struggle define the character and often precede significant achievements. The actor believes that being named after a famous athlete instilled a competitive drive and led him to excel and prove his abilities.

Moreover, the actor seeks positivity in everything; he advises the listeners to find alignment with something meaningful and remain curious and engaged. He told Jay Shetty that positive focus can help you navigate difficult circumstances and find your path.

Sharing their passion for health and wellness, Jay Shetty and Michael B. Jordan discuss their lines of healthy drinks. Jordan explains how he started a new venture besides his acting career. He introduces his sea moss-based cocktails, available in three flavors. The actor first tested the benefits of the algae while filming in Berlin. After experiencing its advantages, he started making cocktails with sea moss for his family; because it was so well-received, he decided to make his drinks available to a broader audience. This is how his brand, MOSS, came into existence.

Building a High-Frequency Team

Building a cohesive team is important for an enhanced work experience. Jordan shared with Jay Shetty how he chooses his team members based on chemistry—the newcomer must align with the team's energy and values. Moreover, ego management and constant learning are key for new members to fit into an established team. Jordan aims to create a work environment where people want to be part of the mission, not just for a paycheck. He values seeing people excel in their strengths and is transparent in his expectations.

Similarly, Jay Shetty believes that working with people he genuinely enjoys being around enhances team chemistry. He explained, "I actually want to go to breakfast, lunch, and dinner with this person because I probably will be when I'm traveling or on the road." He acknowledged he is looking for "humble champions" as team members—those who want to win but can set aside their egos.

What Is Authenticity?

Being a public figure means that others are constantly watching your every move. Yet public perception can be deceiving. Jordan admitted to Jay Shetty, I've intentionally stayed out the way so much where I'm not giving anybody anything to go off of other than what I want you to know."

Similarly, Jay Shetty shared that he is not always the same person as the public perceives him to be. "I'm not always like that," he said. "I have bad days. I have bad moods, I have off days."

Yet both Jay and Jordan value authenticity. To them, it doesn't mean sharing every aspect of your life with the audience, but rather it is "you sharing what you feel comfortable with each person," Jay explained.

Leading by Example

Jordan and Jay Shetty discuss the importance of exploring your triggers. These can sometimes reveal hidden or unknown things about yourself. Leaving old ideas behind can be challenging. Therefore, it is crucial to get to know yourself better in order to grow, even if some of the truths can be uncomfortable.

Jordan reflects on his journey - it was rare in his community to achieve the success he did. However, he is committed to becoming better and lifting others up. He explained to Jay Shetty his role as a trailblazer for his community in industries that have traditionally been less accessible to black people. He values leading by example, inspired by those who broke barriers before him.

The actor's purpose goes beyond entertainment; he aims to empower others with financial literacy and business acumen gained from his own experiences. He is dedicated to providing resources and guidance to those seeking knowledge and opportunity, aiming to leave behind a blueprint for success. Jordan is grateful for what he has and wants to pay forward the knowledge and opportunities he has received.

Your Own Safe Space

Michael B Jordan shared his coping mechanisms with Jay Shetty when he feels overwhelmed. He finds comfort in traveling to Japan. He enjoys the culture and the respect for personal space. As an anime enthusiast, Japan embodies his childhood fantasies of tradition and hospitality.

Additionally, the actor enjoys cooking. It's one of his outlets for stress relief, alongside gaming. To him, cooking is a form of self-reflection and connection, and the result is that he can surprise guests with his culinary creations. Jordan and Jay Shetty find it important to balance and respite amidst a busy life.

Communicate Your Truth

In his career, Jordan has learned many lessons. He told Jay Shetty that he values being unapologetically honest about his desires — open communication is important in all types of relationships. He regrets not embracing honesty sooner. Now, Jordan understands that honesty can deepen connections and foster growth, while its absence can lead to greater turmoil in the long run.

Speaking up is important to the actor, even if it is uncomfortable. He acknowledged the weight of social expectations he's facing, yet he remains committed to self-improvement and breaking free from the pressure of perfection. To him, authenticity and vulnerability are crucial in fostering meaningful relationships and personal growth.

More From Jay Shetty

Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Michael B. Jordan ON How to Connect with Your Intuition & Focus on Your Path” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.

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