Jay Shetty & Marianna Hewitt ON Creating A Successful Morning Routine
Jay Shetty's guest on this episode of On Purpose is Mariana Hewitt, a leading voice in social media, co-founder of the skincare brand "Summer Fridays," and host of Life with Mariana, the number one fashion and beauty podcast. This episode offers a glimpse into Hewitt's personal life and how her childhood experiences have shaped her into who she is today.
Jay Shetty's guest on this episode of On Purpose is Mariana Hewitt, a leading voice in social media, co-founder of the skincare brand "Summer Fridays," and host of Life with Mariana, the number one fashion and beauty podcast.
This episode offers a glimpse into Hewitt's personal life and how her childhood experiences have shaped her into who she is today.
Parents' Divorce
Hewitt's parents got divorced in the early '90s. She explains to Jay Shetty that she had a positive experience regarding her parents' separation. It was because her parents handled the situation maturely. They got her a therapist during the divorce and were very cautious about managing the circumstances.
This behavior made her feel like the divorce was not nasty and that they were doing these things because they loved her and wanted to be happy independently. She thinks that her parents' handling of the divorce reflected who she is as an adult today.
Moreover, Hewitt explains to Jay Shetty that her parents always followed the schedule they had agreed upon and that she spent her summers with her mom in Europe and would see her during holidays. Her mom would ensure she was present at school, even though she didn't live in the same state as Hewitt. Her mom's time with her was critical, and she remembers more about the days that her mom was there than the days she wasn't.
Hewitt told Jay Shetty that she feels close to both her parents now and considers them friends. It is because her parents were fully mature adults when they married and had kids, which made a big difference. This is reflected in how they raised her, and it was not a matter of "I have to do this because of my age."
Growth Mindset
Marianna Hewitt discusses how her upbringing by immigrant parents who broke societal norms shaped her mindset and approach to life. She shares that her parents' past struggles and sacrifices made her feel like anything was possible. So, she wants to live her life to the fullest to honor them. In addition, Hewitt's mother, who is Vietnamese, instilled in her the value of independence and self-sufficiency, encouraging her to never rely on anyone else for anything.
Hewitt also desires to break free from societal expectations, particularly women's timelines for having children. Her parents had children later in life and were not bound by societal expectations at the time. Hewitt wants to live without such limitations and boundaries, and she credits her parents for instilling this mindset in her.
Furthermore, Hewitt expresses her gratitude for being able to support her parents now as they grow older. She wants to ensure that they have everything they need, and she enjoys making them happy by facilitating their travels and other endeavors. Though she enjoys her independence, she still values the bond she shares with her parents and wants to be involved in their lives.
Make Your Own Path
Hewitt shares with Jay Shetty her experience of taking a risk by pursuing a career as a YouTuber, which was not a typical career path at the time. Despite her parents' initial doubts, she was able to prove herself and show them the opportunities that came with her job. She never felt like she was letting her parents down and always believed in herself.
Marianna Hewitt has always been passionate about sharing things she loved with an audience. However, when she auditioned for TV hosting jobs, she kept getting turned down in favor of celebrity hosts. But then, she realized with the internet, she could take her career into her own hands and create content without anyone's permission.
"There's no one to tell us 'no.' You can create the content, and if the audience is there, and people want it, they will show up. They will watch, they will download, they will follow, they will listen," she told Jay Shetty.
Hewitt's love of beauty began at a young age when her dad would take her to beauty counters since he didn't know how to do her hair and makeup himself. She learned about products and techniques from the experts there. Eventually, she began creating tutorials for herself before starting her brand.
"It was everything I wanted to do when I grew up. I just didn't know that's what it was," Hewitt shared with Jay Shetty.
Hewitt explains that having many views or followers does not necessarily equate to having real influence. She points out that people may only be interested in a creator's content as entertainment, and they don't necessarily value their perspective or expertise.
Hewitt shares with Jay Shetty that she used to work through weekends, but she has learned taking time off and not answering emails makes her feel refreshed and energized. It can be challenging to take breaks when working as a freelancer or a creator. Still, she emphasizes the importance of rest for physical and mental health.
Jay Shetty pointed out that burnout comes from doing too much of what is not aligned with one's core rather than doing too much of what one enjoys.
Saying no to unnecessary things and focusing on opportunities that align with her long-term goals gives Marianna Hewitt energy. In addition, she highlights the importance of having a morning and evening routine to set oneself up for success.
Cultivate Authentic Relationships
Marianna Hewitt shares with Jay Shetty that she has a core group of five people who have been with her for over a decade. They are the people she wants to spend her time with. However, she acknowledges that it's okay to have a smaller circle and that a lesson she learned in her 30s was that a smaller circle is fine. She notes that in her 20s when she moved to Los Angeles, she wanted to make numerous friends. But as she got older, she realized it's okay to have a smaller circle of people who love her and are there for her no matter what.
Jay Shetty notes that people often feel guilty when leaving friends behind, worrying about the perception that those groups of people will think or that they are going because they think they are better. He emphasizes that it's not about leaving because you think you're better but because you want to be better and grow.
Another discussion topic was transitioning from selling other people's products to becoming a founder and running your own company. Jay Shetty notes that today, there is pressure for everyone to become an entrepreneur and start their own company. However, he believes that only a few are cut out for it.
Hewitt says starting a company is about more than just launching products. It is also about the not-so-fun aspects of running a business, such as managing people, running finances and operations, and doing things you don't necessarily enjoy. She encourages people to ask themselves if they want to run a business because they love running a company or want to say they have their own company.
When starting a business, it's essential to have no ego and be willing to hire for the things you don't know or don't want to do. In addition, Hewitt emphasizes the importance of having a solid team and being able to delegate tasks to people who are experts in their respective fields. Finally, building a successful business is about having the right mindset, being able to adapt, and being willing to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve success.
It's Okay To Delegate
Knowing what you are good at and utilizing your skills to work with others or consult for brands before starting your own business is essential. However, entrepreneurship is more than just doing what you love all day. There are many aspects to running a business, and entrepreneurs often have to wear multiple hats.
Hewitt shares with Jay Shetty her experience of raising money for her brand, Summer Fridays. She compares it to dating, as they had to meet and evaluate many potential investors to find the right fit. She emphasizes the importance of finding trustworthy investors with the same end goals and who are willing to listen to the founders' vision for the brand.
After raising money, Hewitt and her business partner hired a CEO to help them grow the business. However, it wasn't the right fit. This experience taught her not everyone wants to be a CEO, and it is okay to recognize your strengths and limitations. So, they decided to bring in someone with more business experience to help them scale and take Summer Fridays to the next level.
Establishing A Successful Routine
Marianna Hewitt prioritizes doing what is essential to her. She believes in focusing on what she is good at and enjoys doing rather than putting pressure on herself to hold a specific title, like CEO. In addition, she emphasizes the importance of taking her ego out of the equation and focusing on what makes her happy and fulfilled rather than worrying about what others think of her or her business.
Hewitt believes in taking frequent inventory of her life and noting what she loves and her energy drainers. She recognizes the importance of eliminating energy-draining tasks from her plate and focusing on the things she is good at and enjoys doing. Moreover, she believes in setting intentions rather than goals. In her view, goals can limit and pressure people to achieve something by a deadline.
Hewitt explained to Jay Shetty the importance of daily routines and habits. She began prioritizing her morning routine and meditation during the pandemic. Then, she realized that many successful people she admires also do the same. She believes in trying new patterns and habits for a week to see if they work for her and then eliminating or keeping them accordingly. She stresses the importance of finding what works for each person, as only some routines or habits will work for everyone. Her approach to life and business is refreshing, as it centers around individual happiness rather than external validation or pressure to achieve a specific title or goal.
"I'm not living my life for other people...why would I live my life for this title for other people's opinions when this is what I want to do within the business," Hewitt shared with Jay Shetty.
Setting Intentions
Having goals and intentions is important, but being present and happy with where one is currently in life is essential. As she acknowledged to Jay Shetty, Hewitt doesn't set goals but rather intentions at the beginning of the year because "it's what I intend on doing for the year."
Hewitt did an exercise where she wrote down everything she wanted to accomplish in life and the age she thought it might happen. When she reached writing her goals for age 45, she had nothing more to add to the list. It made her realize there was still so much more life left. This exercise helped her to enjoy the journey and appreciate where she is today.
Currently, presence and gratitude are a big focus for Hewitt. Previously, she focused too much on the future and what she wanted to achieve. However, she has since learned to be grateful for what she has and concentrate on being happy with where she is currently. In addition, she emphasizes the importance of practicing gratitude daily and not stressing about achieving everything at a certain age. Hewitt also notes that taking care of her health has become a priority as her parents age.
Stress Management
Managing cortisol levels and stress is essential for high performers. Jay Shetty notes that ambitious individuals striving for peak performance are naturally exposed to higher stress levels. This can impact their cortisol levels.
Hewitt shares her strategies for managing stress and cortisol levels. They include exercises that make her feel good, quality sleep, taking magnesium before bed, and avoiding activities that make her anxious or stressed, such as watching scary movies. She also recognizes that stress can manifest physically in her body.
Jay Shetty agrees about the importance of managing stress and cortisol levels. He recognizes that stress will always be a part of life. Yet, through personal strategies and habits, stress can become manageable.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Marianna Hewitt ON How to Create a Morning Routine that Results in Success & Why Energy-Drainers Are Getting in Your Way” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.

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